Mattel picking on the little guys!

Mattel is going nuts over a small company that sells pediatric therapy tools. Why? Because Super Duper Publications had several products that had the word “Say” in their titles. Mattel tried to block Super Duper’s attempts to trademark several items because they claimed it infringed upon their trademarked toys. You know, the “See ‘N Say” toys. Super Duper’s products, geared for speech therapy use, had names like “Sort and Say,” “Fish and Say,” “Fold and Say,” and “See It! Say It!”

A short history is available at the “Speak Up for Say!” website:

I plan to gather more information about this. When I do, I’ll be sure to post it. There are various calls to action, the most prominent being to contact Mattel through traditional methods, as well as through Facebook. I’ll provide that information soon. Thanks.

Evaluation: Part Two

This and the next two updates to The Munchie’s evaluation process will be short. Her cognitive evaluation was yesterday, and it was just her and “Miss C,” the doctor who met with Xife (the husband) and me in June. To The Munchie, it was all fun stuff. She told me about a doll house, but that’s all I could understand from what she recalled. That’s okay. Miss C told me she does the evaluation using games, asking questions, and such. All I know is that The Munchie laughed and laughed–her happy-relaxed laughter, not her nervous laugh. She was a happy camper.

There are three more appointments. She will have a speech evaluation, O.T. (occupational therapy) evaluation, and one more hour-long appointment just before Xife and I meet with the team to discuss their findings. There are clear delays, as well as what might be considered “typical” (if such a thing exists) autistic behaviors.

My question, open to readers, is this: If you (or someone you care for) have gone through an evaluation process, what was it like? How did having “answers” have an impact upon your life?

Feel free to comment and discuss on this thread. Just keep it PG, please. I’ll be watching! 😉